Various ways to check the status of HANA Database

While working as a SAP HANA Consultant, one should be aware of the methods to check the status of SAP HANA database. This will be helpful to check the status of various servers running in database along with its start time. It is important to be aware of all techniques available so that we can use them as per situation. This is comprehensive blog about various techniques to check status of HDB.

HDB info

This is famous utility to check the status of database from OS level using <sid>adm user id. This will provide you status of all HDB services running in system.

Fig : HDB info

HDB proc

This method will also give you status of the database. HDB info & HDB proc will give you same output.

Fig : HDB proc

hdbdaemon.status –

This is the file present in trace directory of Hana database. This file stores the status of all database server processes along with its PID & current status. Go to trace directory [/usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<XX>/<hostname>/trace] and open the file ‘hdbdaemon.status’ with commands like more, view etc. In case of MDC system, this file will be present at above mentioned location only and not inside trace directories of tenant DBs.

Fig : hdbdaemon.status file


This is standard utility can be used to check the status of Hana database. This utility has various options. GetProcessList option with appropriate instance can provide you the Hana database server status.

If you use this command with WATCH [Syntax – watch “sapcontrol -nr 01 -function GetProcessList”] option then it will keep on refreshing status of HDB services every 2 seconds. This will be useful while starting or stopping HDB to track the status.

HANA Studio

This is most popular tool to perform various administration related activities on Hana database. In studio, you have to navigate to landscape tab under ‘services‘ sub tab to check the status of database server process status. Here you will get all information about server processes like start time, memory, CPU consumption etc. of Hana databases along with status.

HANA Cockpit

Nowadays, SAP made Cockpit as a compulsory administration tool and may retire studio down the line. In order to monitor the system, we need to register the system in cockpit. Login to the system and go ‘Monitor aggregate health‘ tab.

2 thoughts on “Various ways to check the status of HANA Database

  1. Rajat Rajawat

    Nice blog just to add .
    HDB info & HDB proc will not show desire output if sap host agent is down or not working properly .

    Another most common way :
    sapcontrol -nr 0X GetProcessList ( single node)
    sapcontrol -nr 0X GetSystemInstanceList ( Multi node )


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